Virtue Video Contest – Diocese Wide!

Knox text

The Challenge and Conquest groups at St. Mary’s in Oakridge, TN wanted to spread the word about Virtue, and how to live it.  They used the framework from the Conquest apostolic service project – “Virtue Video Contest” and Challenge – “Reel to Real” to plan and organize this contest.  Challenge and Conquest help the youth to think big and outside the box, to do something great to spread Christ’s word and love. Each team planned their own video, story line, and even props.  They wanted this video contest to go beyond just the local groups or even their local parish, but rather diocese wide to promote virtue as far and wide and to as many people as possible.  With the help of the Conquest and Challenge group leader and youth minister, Margaret Merrill, they were able to promote this contest on the Knoxville diocesan website.  The website included the contest instructions and actual videos for anyone in the diocese to watch and vote for their favorite.

Since the contest is still in progress, we do not have the results yet.  However, you can view and enjoy these virtue videos below by clicking on the images, and decide which one you think is the best!

Cq-5-6 CQ-7-8    CH-5  CH-6          Ch-7 CH-8