Challenge Lewis Center helps WARM

Article submitted by Jane Nagel  Challenge Club Leader in Lewis Center, OH.

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During the month of January the  Challenge girls in Lewis Center, OH organized a Charity Challenge Food Drive for a local food pantry called WARM (Westerville Area Resource Ministry). The girls invited their neighbors to donate food items and also collected prayer intentions so the girls could pray for them. It was a very successful event for the girls. They  collected almost 200 lbs of food and delivered it to the WARM facility on February 1st. While there, the girls helped sort the food and stock some of the produce in the well-appointed store where needy families can ‘shop’ for groceries.

The girls made Valentine Cards for the people who visit the pantry and wrote some very encouraging messages for people in difficult circumstances! One of the 7th grade Challenge girls, Maddie Nagel said, “It helped me see how people like me, doing something so small, can make a big difference in other people’s lives.”