– Challenge and Conquest are ECYD Programs for boys and girls in K – 12th grade that form adolescents as Christian leaders to transform culture.
– We do this through a unique method: virtue-based curriculum, teen led, gender specific, team based, service driven, and through responding to the needs of the adolescent.
– We offer curriculum, products and resources, training and support, and access to an international network of ECYD camps, retreats and mentors.
– We strive to aid families, parishes and schools in the evangelization and Christian formation of adolescents.
Challenge & Conquest are proven to be a successful youth ministry option for the past 15 years in the US and Canada. They are currently present in over 250 parishes & schools with over 6,500 youth every week, led by 300 adult leaders and 700 teen leaders. Offering over 45 summer camps with 2,000 campers every year.
Our Mission
Challenge and Conquest are ECYD Programs that form adolescents as Christian leaders to transform culture.
- We do this through a unique method and curriculum that is virtue-based, teen-led, gender specific, structured by teams, service-driven and that responds to the needs of the adolescent.
- We offer curriculum, products and resources, training and support, and access to an international network of ECYD camps, retreats and mentors.
- We strive to aid families, parishes and schools in the evangelization and Christian formation of adolescents, in developing their friendship with Christ, and relationships with those around them.

with real friendship

The Church & The Pope
with loyalty

as a son & daughter

Every Person
with real and genuine charity and respect
Challenge and Conquest try to teach the teens how to follow Christ’s example and live authentic Christian virtues such as friendship, sincerity, obedience, generosity, purity, charity, hope, joy, faith and perseverance.
National Team
Our Challenge national team and staff are made up of professional, dedicated parents, volunteers, teachers, youth ministers, consecrated women who want to help you be successful in your work to bring these young teenage girls closer to Christ and willing to serve the world around them. Contact us for anything you need.
Unique Methods
Challenge & Conquest offer parents, schools and parishes with methods, material, and training to help girls and boys grow in their faith and serve others. Our method combines different elements that together make our program unique and effective: Team Based and Teen Led; Service Driven, Virtue Centered; Age Specific; Flexible and ready to use; relevant and fun; 100% Catholic and gender specific. The materials and guidebooks are intuitive, but we also offer online training modules for adult leaders and team “teen” leaders.